Master studies

General information

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes two master study programs: Embedded Computers and Distributed Systems and Web Technologies. These programs are organized on 4 semesters of 14 weeks, averaging 16 hours per week. For Distributed Systems and Web Technologies, there are two teaching lines, one in Romanian and one in English. The 4th Semester is devoted entirely to the dissertation work. In this semester, it is proposed to carry out scientific research, development and innovation activities as well as the valorisation and dissemination of the results.

Education plan:

Embedded Computers
(in Romanian)
Distributed Systems and Web Technologies
(in Romanian)
Distributed Systems and Web Technologies
(in English)


Education plans for the academic year 2017-2018

Embedded Computers (in Romanian) Distributed Systems and Web Technologies (in Romanian) Distributed Systems and Web Technologies (in English)
1st year 1st year 1st year
2nd year 2nd year 2nd year