Hackathon JP Morgan

Hackathon de 24 de ore pentru toti studentii de informatica/calculatoare.

Concursul se desfasoara in Londra la sediul JP Morgan intre 9-10 noiembrie iar cei selectati vor avea costurile de transport acoperite. Termenul limita de aplicare este 28 octombrie.

Code for Good brings together technological minds and finds solutions to real-world issues through coding challenges. For 24 hours, your students will work alongside our tech experts, using their skills to make a difference for leading nonprofit organizations.

It’s a chance for them to meet aspiring, ambitious engineers from all over the country and use their coding skills to make a positive social impact. With our recruiters joining them for the session, it could even be an opportunity for them to explore a career in technology with us.


Application Deadline:
Glasgow – 14th October
London – 28th October

Event Dates:
Glasgow – 27th & 28th November
London – 9th & 10th November

Top participants in our Code for Good challenge may be offered a position in our 2019 Software Engineer Program or Software Engineer Internship.